Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Exam Day, our last official meeting, but the conversation will sustain.....

December 15, 2009 marked the last official meeting of the Major Author Class LIT 431 at Montana State University led by our Psychopompos/Professor Dr. Michael Sexson featuring Vladimir Nabokov and his works: Speak Memory, Lolita, Pale Fire, and Transparent Things.

We offered a sacrifice and ended the class with a ritual bibliocide, taking out the perforated cards in The Original of Laura, Nabokov's final book, unfinished. The book was passed around the class several times and each student removed a card and brought it to the front of the room. Riley led this activity because he is now an expert on The Original of Laura and he had already removed the cards from his book to learn more for his Term Paper (click on the link to read it and see his blog).

I will be monitoring the blogs of the class in the days, weeks, months, years to come and report any activity. Check in for updates. We will continue to run into VN outside of class and we can share it all here. Thanks for a great class that extends beyond the walls of Willson.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for following up on future VN sightings and blogs...

    Happy Holidays!
